Resistance to wearables in the clinic space is to be expected. To this day, I have providers that complain that the electric blood pressure cuffs and digital thermometers aren’t as accurate as the old manual techniques. As a patient, I am also a bit nostalgic of the manual blood pressure cuffs and its big rubber … Read More
You Down with IOT Part IV
In our IoT (internet of things series) we have defined IOT in healthcare as internet connected devices which include: TVs, wearables, mHealth applications, home monitoring devices, implants, mobile/tablet devices and skin sensors. In part two of our IOT series, we examined barriers to adoption and benefits to healthcare organizations. In part three of our IOT … Read More
Realizing Patient Experience ROI – Part 1
The patient experience matters. Traditionally, organizations look to HCAHPS and other commonly accepted metrics to manage their patient experience initiatives. The evidence suggests that organizations that focus on those measures alone may not be asking the right questions to get a true barometer of what matters most to the patient. Let’s look at a recent … Read More
Welcome To The Jungle: Amazon Enters Healthcare
Previously, we explored why healthcare leaders should take note of digital trends. In that article, we discussed Amazon’s 1492 secretive healthcare initiative. What is the 1492 initiative? According to TechNewsWorld, the 1492 team reportedly has been working on ways to streamline medical records management in order to make the information available to consumers and doctors more … Read More
The Human Element: Augmented Intelligence VS Artificial Intelligence
Many of the movies we watched in the 80’s and 90’s painted this post-apocalyptic picture of the machines rising up and taking over for their human counterparts. Did you know that long before Arnold became the Terminator that artificial intelligence (AI) was being theorized as a way to use data to create efficiencies. In 1950, … Read More
Incorporating Social Determinants of Health into Care
As we move towards value-based care and risk-based healthcare delivery and payment models, it becomes critical to understand how the social determinants of health (SDOH) play an essential role in population health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), SDOH are defined as the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. … Read More